Friday, September 23, 2011


I've been daydreaming about something a lot lately. Probably too much for my own good. It's not unrealistic. In fact there is a high possibility and very good chance it will happen. Not positive. I think that I would be quite happy if it did happen. Quite happy indeed. But it will be a long time away. Long time. Sometimes that happens you know. Things delay us. And trying to see the final results or ending can get fuzzy. Real fuzzy. Confusing too. And sometimes those same things look really good. So good and welcoming that I think that I will just keep on daydreaming.

Life is good.

Life is good. It's tough, but good.

Lately I have been dealing with a lot of adversity and anxiety. I think I am to blame for some of it. I tend to over think things & worry about things too much. Especially if I don't have control of the situation. Every once and a while I get in these bummed out moods and I just feel overwhelmed with despair. It hits me randomly and hard. And I usually push it aside and just try to get through my daily functions. Not good.

But then I realized or rather remembered something important. I have a good life. An amazing life actually. I'm incredibly blessed. And when I get in those sad moods its because I'm not focusing on the right thing. I'm focusing too much on myself and what I want & what I need, or what I think I need. I loose focus of others. Once I start to focus on others and help them instead I feel my mood pick up. I've been taught this principle all my life. Loose yourself and serve others. It's so simple. And yet I forget it so often. Only after I stop focusing & dwelling so much on myself and instead help someone else, does all my anxiety go away.

And so I am reminded that life is good.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September Bliss

I LOVE this month! I love SEPTEMBER!!

This morning was just normal routine for me and then I realized it was the first day of September. Yay! It's my favorite month of the year.

Why? Let me tell you.

1st - Obviously the fact that my birthday is this month has a strong bias.
2nd- School is in session again (I enjoy school).
3rd - It marks the beginning of Fall & the leaves begin to change color slowly.
4th - College football is back.
5th- Crisp Air starts to settle in & reintroduces all the lovely sweaters to my wardrobe.
6th - Nice temperatures to go running.

Those pretty much cover it. I think they're good enough reasons to love September. And though I may sound crazy, I believe something in the air changes in September. Almost in a calming sort of way. Like the earth is saying to me "just relax Carolina."

So there you have it. I love this month! It's my favorite time of year!
I wish everyone a happy & blissful September.